
Discover ways you can transform creative ideas into business reality.

For more than 20 years, I’ve worked with ambitious solopreneurs and corporate changemakers.

Now, through my consulting, courses, and advisory services, we can transform your business into an innovative, profitable model that moves your industry forward and positions you as a creative trailblazer.


Resources, Courses, and Advisory Opportunities
for Your Working Style

Whether you’re a solopreneur or a corporate leader, there are plenty of ways to learn and grow your business.




If you’re starting or growing your solo business, check out my resources or subscribe to the SOLO newsletter for weekly insights.


Visual Thinkers

If creating visual frameworks and visual intellectual property (IP) is your jam, check out my course, Authority by Design, or read my recent articles.


Corporate Innovators

 If you’re a creative leader ready to elevate your company, check out my Innovation Lab Blueprint™ to create innovative spaces that deliver measurable results.


You have knowledge and experience you’d like to share, but you don’t know the business side. And you don’t want to spend the time or money to get a business degree. Terri understands this dilemma.

She’s heard it from thousands of solopreneurs — individuals like you — who want business knowledge about running a one-person business. With straightforward language. In small bites. When you need it most. 

The Solo Business School is your answer.

Terri is bringing together a collection of courses, tools, and resources specifically designed for ambitious solopreneurs. 

The best way to be first in line for news and special offers is to subscribe to SOLO, Terri’s weekly newsletter. It’s the place where she’ll be letting everyone know when to get their virtual pencils, bookbags, and lunchboxes ready.

Recent Articles

Browse Articles on Solopreneurship,
Visual Thinking, and Innovation

Join Terri on a weekly exploration of visual communication to help you build visibility, credibility, and authority.